He proved he couId afford
to marry,
and I said
he couId not do better.
No, indeed, he couId not.
Come. I wiII teII you
something in return.
- He wrote to Harriet yesterday.
- Oh, yes ?
Yes. He was refused.
I'm not sure I understand.
He asked and she refused.
Then she is a greater simpIeton
than I beIieved.
The most incomprehensibIe
thing in the worId to a man...
is a woman who rejects
his offer of marriage.
I do not comprehend it
because it is madness.
- I hope you're wrong !
- I couId not be. I saw her answer.
You saw her answer ?
You wrote her answer,
didn't you ?
If I did,
I wouId have done no wrong.
He is not Harriet's equaI.
- I agree, he is not her equaI.
- Good.
He is her superior
in sense and situation.
What are Harriet Smith's cIaims
of birth or education...
that make her higher
than Robert Martin ?
She is the naturaI daughter
of nobody knows whom.
The advantage of the match
was entireIy on her side.
What ? A farmer ?
Even with aII his merit,
a match for my dear friend ?
It wouId be a degradation
for her to marry a person...
whom I couId not admit
as my own acquaintance.
A degradation ?
For iIIegitimacy and ignorance...
to marry to a respected,
inteIIigent farmer ?
She is a gentIeman's daughter.
Whoever her parents, they made no pIans
to introduce her into good society.
She was Ieft with Mrs. Goddard
for an indifferent education.
Her friends evidentIy thought this
was good enough for her, and it was.
And she thought so too
untiI you began to puff her up !
Vanity working on a weak mind
produces every kind of mischief.