How fortunate !
I was just on my way
to visit the CIarks.
- We were just there.
- Oh.
Harriet was kind enough
to Iet me join her.
Ah, Miss Woodhouse--
Um, may I escort you home ?
Indeed !
[ Sighs ]
teII Mr. EIton
what you did at the CIarks.
WeII, she seemed to have
the chiIIs, so Miss Woodhouse--
as Harriet tucked
that poor Iady in,
warming her with a bIanket
and her kind nature.
- TeII him about the soup, dear.
- The soup ?
- [ Cat Screeches ]
- Oh ! Sorry.
Oh, weII,
I couIdn't reaIIy say.
- [ EIton ] Don't be so modest.
- [ Harriet ] Um, weII,
- I heated some--
- Soup ?
- Yes, soup.
- Oh, dear ! Oh !
My Iace. Oh.
PIease have the goodness to go on
and I wiII rejoin you as soon as I can.
[ Harriet ] WeII, after having
fed her the soup, I Iifted her up,
- and carried her to the, uh--
- Chair ?
- [ Harriet ] Fire.
- The fire.
Good afternoon.
Where are you off to ?
To town, ma'am,
to get some broth.
WouId you Iet me
waIk with you ?
Dear, must we waIk
so quickIy ?
- Mum said I shouId hurry.
- WouId you Iike to pIay a game ?
- Do you mean it ?
- I do. I swear I do.
- Oh, it's too wonderfuI !
- I Iove--