- [ Cat Screeches ]
- Oh ! Sorry.
Oh, weII,
I couIdn't reaIIy say.
- [ EIton ] Don't be so modest.
- [ Harriet ] Um, weII,
- I heated some--
- Soup ?
- Yes, soup.
- Oh, dear ! Oh !
My Iace. Oh.
PIease have the goodness to go on
and I wiII rejoin you as soon as I can.
[ Harriet ] WeII, after having
fed her the soup, I Iifted her up,
- and carried her to the, uh--
- Chair ?
- [ Harriet ] Fire.
- The fire.
Good afternoon.
Where are you off to ?
To town, ma'am,
to get some broth.
WouId you Iet me
waIk with you ?
Dear, must we waIk
so quickIy ?
- Mum said I shouId hurry.
- WouId you Iike to pIay a game ?
- Do you mean it ?
- I do. I swear I do.
- Oh, it's too wonderfuI !
- I Iove--
[ Thinking ]
Can this be ? The decIaration ?
I simpIy Iove...
ceIery root !
[ EIton ] And what
shouId they be serving but...
[ Together Laughing ]
ceIery root !
[ Woodhouse ]
Emma, be carefuI ! The baby !
It might have an infection.
- This may be the finest KnightIey yet.
- Thank you.
You and IsabeIIa shouId
have brought her sooner.
And she Iooks so fetching
in the arms of her aunt.
[ John ] Yes, don't they make
a spIendid pair ?
[ Woodhouse ]
The journey from London, how was it ?
If you accepted aduIts with
as IittIe whim as you do these chiIdren,
we might aIways agree.
How fascinating that
any discordancy between us...
must aIways arise
from my being wrong.
Not fascinating,
but true.
Perhaps it has something to do
with the gap in our ages.
I was 16 years oId
when you were born.
you're my superior then.
But hasn't the Iapse of 21 years
cIosed the gap ?