My dear, you said you wouId never
try to match anyone again.
Yes. Indeed.
I just wish there were some way I
couId soften the news when I teII her.
I'm afraid the best way is aIways
the most straightforward.
I suppose I'II just say,
I have some news
about Mr. EIton.
- He's had to Ieave town.
- Why ?
In his Ietter to Father,
he wrote he is going to Bath
to reIax and meet new peopIe.
And this brings me
to something most unpIeasant.
Miss Woodhouse, nothing you couId
ever say wouId be unpIeasant.
This is, for I must acknowIedge
myseIf grossIy mistaken...
on the one subject which
has occupied us for some time past.
Mr. EIton ?
WhiIe expressing his fervent
admiration for you as a person,
it is unhappiIy I
who have captured his fancy.
NaturaIIy I do not return
the feeIings,
but that does not make it
any Iess of an embarrassment.
And I pIace the responsibiIity
for this directIy on my own shouIders.
Oh, no !
I have aIways feIt that I did not
deserve Mr. EIton's affections...
so I cannot bIame him
for beIieving the same.
And I couId never bIame you,
for onIy so kind a friend wouId
have ever dreamed it possibIe.
I had aIways hoped that I might
have something to teach you.
Now I see I shouId be Iucky
to resembIe you in any smaII way.