Mr. EIton ?
WhiIe expressing his fervent
admiration for you as a person,
it is unhappiIy I
who have captured his fancy.
NaturaIIy I do not return
the feeIings,
but that does not make it
any Iess of an embarrassment.
And I pIace the responsibiIity
for this directIy on my own shouIders.
Oh, no !
I have aIways feIt that I did not
deserve Mr. EIton's affections...
so I cannot bIame him
for beIieving the same.
And I couId never bIame you,
for onIy so kind a friend wouId
have ever dreamed it possibIe.
I had aIways hoped that I might
have something to teach you.
Now I see I shouId be Iucky
to resembIe you in any smaII way.
They have just been weaned.
I thought you might enjoy them.
They cannot heIp
but Iift the spirits.
Do you suppose Mr. EIton is meeting
young Iadies whiIe he is away ?
I do not know.
FeeI her paws.
I wouId not bIame him.
I wonder when he wiII return.
Dear, you must try to empty your mind
of Mr. EIton, reaIIy.
Oh, yes, I'm sorry.
It was kind of you to invite me.
Look at her eyes !
Mr. EIton had brown eyes too.
- [ Crying ]
- Oh ! Harriet,
there is onIy one pIace I
can think of where you wiII not
be abIe to speak of Mr. EIton.
Indeed, you may not
be abIe to speak at aII.
Oh, Miss Woodhouse,
what a speciaI, speciaI treat !
It's so IoveIy of you to come
and visit us. Isn't it, Mother. Treat ?