because it wouIdn't
be a proper visit otherwise.
You must sit right where you are.
And, and you must say--
We are so gIad
to have you with us.
How were you abIe
to get away ?
The CampbeIIs have gone
to IreIand on a hoIiday.
So I've come here, which
is better than any hoIiday.
[ Thinking ] Mmm.
She is more giving than I expected.
TeII Miss Woodhouse
whom you saw in Weymouth.
Frank ChurchiII. That's whom she saw.
Mr. Frank ChurchiII !
Oh, we hear much of him, but have
never seen him. Was he handsome ?
Many say he is.
- Was he agreeabIe ?
- He was in no way disagreeabIe.
Was he a man of information ?
AII his statements
seemed correct.
[ Thinking ]
I take it back. She is--
AbsoIuteIy impossibIe !
She wouIdn't teII me anything
about Frank ChurchiII.
Why shouId you care so much
about Frank ChurchiII ?
I was mereIy being sociabIe,
that's aII, and she was not.
Perhaps you disIike her because
she divides our attentions from you.
[ Laughs ] ReaIIy, Mr. KnightIey,
you are so comicaI.
You ought to perform
in the town square.
Oh, I have some news.
And I know how you Iike news.
Oh, yes !
I aIways Iike news.
Mr. EIton
is going to marry.
I don't know what to say,
except that I am--
In a state
of compIete shock !
- You've heard ?
- About what ?
Oh ! Never mind.
[ Harriet ]
I was on my way here for our visit.
It started raining, so I ducked
into Ford's to wait it out.
- Miss Smith.
- Miss Smith.
Good day, Mr. Ford,
Mr. Ford.
[ Harriet Continues ] As I admired
some fabric, who shouId come in...
but EIizabeth Martin
and her brother.