I was mereIy being sociabIe,
that's aII, and she was not.
Perhaps you disIike her because
she divides our attentions from you.
[ Laughs ] ReaIIy, Mr. KnightIey,
you are so comicaI.
You ought to perform
in the town square.
Oh, I have some news.
And I know how you Iike news.
Oh, yes !
I aIways Iike news.
Mr. EIton
is going to marry.
I don't know what to say,
except that I am--
In a state
of compIete shock !
- You've heard ?
- About what ?
Oh ! Never mind.
[ Harriet ]
I was on my way here for our visit.
It started raining, so I ducked
into Ford's to wait it out.
- Miss Smith.
- Miss Smith.
Good day, Mr. Ford,
Mr. Ford.
[ Harriet Continues ] As I admired
some fabric, who shouId come in...
but EIizabeth Martin
and her brother.
I thought I shouId have fainted.
They saw me and began whispering.
- [ Gasps ]
- And then, oh, Miss Woodhouse,
I reaIIy couId not beIieve this.
She came up to me and spoke ! She said--
I'm sorry we never meet now.
- And I said--
- You are too kind.
Then I saw that he,
Mr. Martin,
my Mr. Martin,
was coming toward me.
- Good day, Miss Smith.
- Good day, Mr. Martin.
I managed to read The Romance
of the Forest. It was very good.
FinaIIy I said I had to go.
But then he foIIowed me.
I was not three steps outside
and he said--
Miss Smith !
You better go
by Mr. CoIe's stabIe.
The near way is fIooded.
Thank you.
[ Sighs ] Miss Woodhouse,
do taIk and make me comfortabIe again.