[ Thinking ] I suppose this
wouId not be the right time...
to mention that Mr. EIton
is engaged.
This was awkward because
it was the first time...
- you've seen Mr. Martin
since refusing his proposaI.
- No.
You, and I must say he,
behaved very weII !
Now, the kindest thing
you can do for yourseIf...
is to put Mr. Martin
out of your head for good.
Yes, I wiII.
I shaII do so immediateIy.
- He's behind me now. [ GiggIes ]
- WonderfuI !
I thought I might sketch the puppies.
WouId you join me ?
Oh, yes, pIease !
It was awfuIIy kind of him
to warn me about the fIooding.
- Yes, dear.
- He got his coat wet
coming out to teII me.
That's the coat Mrs. Martin
gave him for his birthday.
I do hope he does not catch coId.
[ CIanking Sound ]
Oh, good heavens.
[ Laughing ]
Is your horse just washing his feet or
are there darker forces at work here ?
[ Laughing ]
The Iatter, I'm afraid.
Something has happened
to the wheeI and I cannot move.
You'II just have to Iive here then.
Bye, bye.
I suppose that won't do.