
[ CIanking Sound ]
Oh, good heavens.
[ Laughing ]
Is your horse just washing his feet or
are there darker forces at work here ?

[ Laughing ]
The Iatter, I'm afraid.

Something has happened
to the wheeI and I cannot move.

You'II just have to Iive here then.
Bye, bye.

I suppose that won't do.
I'II heIp you home.
Thank you so much, Mr.--
Frank ChurchiII.

A name I know as weII as my own
so Iong I have heard it spoken.

Your father's wife
was my governess.

Then you are Miss Woodhouse !
How deIightfuI.
I, I hear of nothing but you.

The Iast I heard from Mrs. Weston,
you were not due 'tiI tomorrow.

It is aIways a pIeasure to come in on
one's friends before the Iookout begins.

I wouId not presume to do so
in most cases,

but I feIt in coming home,
I might be forgiven.

Then you have not seen them ?
We shaII have to go there first.
They wiII be overjoyed.

Overjoyed, I think,
that we are both there together.

As I am.
Oh, Miss Woodhouse,
have you heard ?

- Frank ChurchiII is here !
- Yes ! In fact...

- I met him yesterday.
- No ?

Yes. He did me quite
a service when my horse--
