What are you doing?
You startled me
l must enter the hospital
again for a check-up
l´ve read your report
You wouldn´t have died so soon
Your physical condition is good
Look at me
Do l look like normal?
Do l look like normal or not?
Do l look like normal?
No jokes now, please
l´m notjoking
Someone wants to kill me
l´m serious
That patient was dead
Someone´s out to kill me
Don´t worry, you won´t die
l´m notjoking
Stop fooling around then
l saw the body. lt was me
This happens
only in movies
lt wasn´t in movies
l saw with my own eyes!
How did it
happen then?
l don´t know
l only know now someone wants to kill me
Please stop fooling around
Leave me alone
l want to be alone for a while
Cut it out then!
l´m going crazy!
l wish l could die too
Someone´s trying to kill me,
l´m serious
Go tell someone else!
Who else would listen,
if you don´t!
Shut up, please,
and leave me alone!
So many happened in a day
l don´t understand
what´s happening!
lmpossible, it can´t be true