But I come back to New York
all the time. I love it there.
What brings you here?
I wouldnt come to Venice
without checking out the Tintorettos.
Because hes my favourite
master in the world.
I just adore his work.
Im crazy about it.
He was a deep genius.
The deepest.
The rapidity of
his brush strokes...
Outbursts of colour...
His capacity for
controlled gesture...
Born in 1519, only to
die again in 1594...
but thats the way it
happens to most of us.
You have a real appreciation
of his work.
How could I not appreciate a
man who was short in stature...
but with a proud
and obstinate nature...
who painted outside the...
the academic conventions
of 16th century Venice?
What do you do?
Call me Joe.
Im a writer.
A novelist, mostly.
Joe Berlin...
I saw one of your books.
I remember it had
a very sexy cover.
It was at the stalls
on 5th Avenue, the 99 cent bin.
You know, probably the
get-acquainted price.
Theyll do that.
In the United States Im
considered controversial...
but in Paris, where they
have an ear for literature...
they were quick to
recognise the genius of...
Poe and Faulkner
and myself.
Basically, you see,
Im a simple guy.
My idea is just to live
in Paris and maybe...
you know, fall in love and...
take walks...
in the rain and...
Listen to music like...
particularly maybe
Mahlers 4th.
This could be me talking.
Could it?
Mahlers 4th, no question.
See, Im not a...
what youd call
a technology guy.
I hate it.
I know, I can tell.