Everyone Says I Love You

Joe Berlin...
I saw one of your books.
I remember it had
a very sexy cover.

It was at the stalls
on 5th Avenue, the 99 cent bin.

You know, probably the
get-acquainted price.

They’ll do that.
In the United States I’m
considered controversial...

but in Paris, where they
have an ear for literature...

they were quick to
recognise the genius of...

Poe and Faulkner
and myself.

Basically, you see,
I’m a simple guy.

My idea is just to live
in Paris and maybe...

you know, fall in love and...
take walks...
in the rain and...
Listen to music like...
particularly maybe
Mahler’s 4th.

This could be me talking.
Could it?
Mahler’s 4th, no question.
See, I’m not a...
what you’d call
a technology guy.

I hate it.
I know, I can tell.
I still work on...
one of those old-fashioned
portable typewriters...

So you haven’t succumbed
to the computer age?

I like the simple life. I like to
sit at home in Paris and write...

maybe visit New York a
certain amount, and in summer...

maybe spend some time...
someplace romantic,

I love Bora-Bora. Since I first
went, I still think about it.

Naturally, it’s beautiful.
At night, the stars are so luminous
you can practically read by them.

Read by them, yes.
Are you okay?
You got a...a little...
mist appeared
in your eye then.

I thought you were
going to cry, I swear.

No, I’m okay.
Is something wrong?
What’s wrong?
Nothing’s wrong. Something’s
exactly so right.

Wait here. I’ll
be right back.
