Executive Decision

The radio didn`t make it.
We have no way to tell them
we`re onboard. They`ll think we`re dead.

Shut up, Cahill.
He`s right. As far as they know,
we went down with the plane.

The Pentagon is going to shoot us down.
We were their only option.
Listen to me.
We must negotiate.
Tell Hassan the Pentagon
knows his plan. . .

. . .and he`ll never be allowed
to reach U.S. airspace.

-Calm down.
-l`m fine.

l know what l`m talking about.
We have to!
lt`s our only chance.

They`ve got to listen.
That won`t stop them.
Get your hands off me!
You`re not going anywhere!
l didn`t sign up for this
G.l. Joe bullshit!

We don`t need to do that.
He`ll be all right.

Listen to me.
There is no negotiating
with Nagi Hassan. Understand?

lf he knew we were here,
he`d kill us.

So let`s calm down, everybody.
Just sit down and relax.
With no way to communicate, he`s right.
They`ll blow us out of the sky.
They don`t know we`re not onboard.
They`ll wait until the last second,
hoping for a break.

We`ve got some time.
How much time
before we hit U.S. airspace?

Three hours, 50 minutes.
What`s left of the gear?
We`ve lost the sat-com. . .
. . .scanners, sleep agent.
We`ve got half the weapons, probes,
mikes, bomb kit. That`s it.

lt`s vital you find Hassan.
lt all centers around him.
