l didn`t sign up for this
G.l. Joe bullshit!
We don`t need to do that.
He`ll be all right.
Listen to me.
There is no negotiating
with Nagi Hassan. Understand?
lf he knew we were here,
he`d kill us.
So let`s calm down, everybody.
Just sit down and relax.
With no way to communicate, he`s right.
They`ll blow us out of the sky.
They don`t know we`re not onboard.
They`ll wait until the last second,
hoping for a break.
We`ve got some time.
How much time
before we hit U.S. airspace?
Three hours, 50 minutes.
What`s left of the gear?
We`ve lost the sat-com. . .
. . .scanners, sleep agent.
We`ve got half the weapons, probes,
mikes, bomb kit. That`s it.
lt`s vital you find Hassan.
lt all centers around him.
All right.
Mikes and probes first.
Hook up Grant to the com board.
See if he can locate Hassan.
Everything we need is here.
We locate their positions. . .
. . .blow the lights and go night optics.
We hit them hard while they`re
still surprised. Let`s go.
The bomb.
We don`t know if there is one.
l`ll take over the plane.
-That`s what Travis would do.
-l`m not telling you what to do.
But if the DZ-5`s on board,
there`s a bomb attached. Find it.
Once this plane left, Hassan made
sure there was no turning back.
He`s right.
lt could be a pressure-switch timer;
if you land or change altitude. . .
. . .anything could set it off.
You must find it before they hit.
We`ll look for it
while we`re setting up.
Get the tools and bomb kits.
Let`s get started.
Tell me what Hassan looks like.