Executive Decision

All right.
Mikes and probes first.
Hook up Grant to the com board.
See if he can locate Hassan.

Everything we need is here.
We locate their positions. . .
. . .blow the lights and go night optics.
We hit them hard while they`re
still surprised. Let`s go.

The bomb.
We don`t know if there is one.
l`ll take over the plane.

-That`s what Travis would do.
-l`m not telling you what to do.

But if the DZ-5`s on board,
there`s a bomb attached. Find it.

Once this plane left, Hassan made
sure there was no turning back.

He`s right.
lt could be a pressure-switch timer;
if you land or change altitude. . .

. . .anything could set it off.
You must find it before they hit.

We`ll look for it
while we`re setting up.

Get the tools and bomb kits.
Let`s get started.
Tell me what Hassan looks like.
l can`t.
What do you mean?
You`re the world`s expert on him.

The only known photograph of him
was taken over 25 years ago.

But l`d recognize his voice.
l`d know him if l saw him.
l`m telling you, l saw them.

