I got every confidence
here in you fellas.
I guess that's it, then.
Here are the keys.
No, that's not it, Jerry.
Hah ?
The new vehicle
plus $40,000.
Yeah, but the deal was
the car first,
then the 40,000,
like as if it was the ransom.
I thought Shep told ya.
Shep didn't tell us much, Jerry.
Well, okay.
Except that you were
gonna be here at 7:30.
Yeah, well, that was a mix-up, then.
Yeah, you already said that.
Yeah, but it's not a whole
pay-in-advance deal.
See, I give you
a brand-new vehicle in advance,
and then-
I'm not gonna debate you, Jerry.
- Okay.
- I'm not gonna sit here and debate.
I will say this, though.
What Shep told us didn't make a whole lotta sense.
Oh, no. It's real sound.
It's all worked out.
You want your own wife
My point is,
you pay the ransom- what, 80,000 bucks ?
I mean, you give us
half the ransom, 40,000. You keep half.
It's like robbin' Peter
to pay Paul. It doesn't make any sense.
Okay. See, it's not me
payin' the ransom.
The thing is,
my wife, she's wealthy.
Her dad, he's real well-off.
Now, I'm in a bit of trouble.
What kind of trouble
you in, Jerry ?
Well, that's- that's-
I'm not gonna get into, into-
see, I just need the money.
Now, her dad, he's real well-off.
So ? Why don't you just
ask him for the money ?
Or your fuckin' wife, you know.
Or your fucking wife, Jerry.
Well, it's all part of this-
They don't know
I need it, see.
Okay, so there's that.
And even if they did, I wouldn't get it.
So there's that on top, then.
See, these are personal matters.
- Personal matters ?
- Yah, personal matters that needn't, uh-
Okay, Jerry.
You're tasking us
to perform this mission, but you won't, uh-
you won't-
Aw, fuck it.
Let's take a look at that Ciera.