Hon ?
Hi, Hon. Welcome back.
How was Fargo ?
Yah. Real good.
Dad's here.
...number 25 leads the Badgers...
In goal production
with five this year.
How you doin', Wade ?
Yah, pretty good.
What you watchin' there ?
Who they playin' ?
Ooh !
Is he stayin' for supper, then ?
Yeah, I think so.
Dad, are you stayin' for supper ? What ?
May I be excused ?
Huh ?
You done there ?
Uh-huh. I'm goin' out.
Where you going ?
Just Mcdonald's.
Back at 9:30.
He just ate.
He didn't finish.
Goin' to Mcdonald's
instead of finishin' here.
He see his friends there. It's okay.
It's okay, Mcdonald's ?
What do you think
they do there ?
They don't drink
milk shakes, I assure ya.
It's okay, dad.
Wade, have you had a chance
to think about that deal I was talkin' about ?
Those 40 acres there
in Wayzata ?
You told me about it.
Yah. You said you'd
have to think about it.
I understand it's a lot of money.
It's a heck of a lot.
What'd you say you were
gonna put there ?
A lot. It's a limited-
I know it's a lot.
I mean a parking lot.
Ah, well, 750,000 is a lot.
Yeah, well, it's a chunk, but, I think-
I had a couple lots, late '50s.
Lost a lot of money.
A lot of money.
But the difference-
I thought you were gonna show it to Stan Grossman.
He passes on this stuff
before it gets kicked up to me.
Well, Stan'll say no dice.
That's why you pay him.
I'm askin' you here, Wade.
This could work out
real good for me and Jean and Scotty.
Jean and Scotty
never have to worry.