Your daddy was short.
That would explain it.
And we have the same forehead,
don't we?
And the same eyes. Oh.
This is amazing. I never shared
physical traits with family before.
I'm a bad person
for what I did to you.
- No, don't say that.
- It's true.
Look, Tina says that most women
who gave up their children
for adoption in the '60s...
were independent young women
acting against a conservative world.
- You're sayin' I was a slut?
- No.
- Oh, God!
- I didn't think-- You're not a slut.
I was tall,
and I developed earlier--
If that's a crime, go ahead and sue me,
but I am not from trashy people.
- Really, I wasn't
suggesting that at all.
- Your daddy was poor.
He worked in my father's
liquor warehouse in Baton Rouge.
- Really? Baton Rouge.
- That's where you were conceived.
In the liquor warehouse
on the cement floor...
- Wow!
- in Baton Rouge.
Oh, my parents hated Lars.
- Lars Waara was his name.
- Waara? Lars Waara!
- What kind of name is that?
- Finnish.
- Finnish? I'm Finnish.
- I knew that.
I mean, look at your face.
Half Scottish-American.
Scottish-Finnish. What is that?
I don't know how to do that. That's--
I'm gonna help.
I'm gonna help you with that.
This belonged to my
who was of the Clan Bucanon...
- Wow!
- married to the Confederate
General Beauregard.
- I want you to have it.
- A Confederate general?
Expert boxer and marksman.
- Really? Wow!
- Wow!
- What an athletic family, huh?
- I was on two championship
basketball teams myself.
- I'm not athletic at all.
- Look at this picture. This is--
Let's name the baby Beauregard, huh?
- Beauregard?
- Beau. Beau Coplin.
- Beau?
- I'm so touched.
- Beau Coplin. Ah, yeah!
- Oh, damn it!
- What?
- The camera just jammed.
- You didn't get that just now?
- No, and that was a terrific moment.
- Let me see.
- Forget the camera.