- Paul, don't patronize her.
- I'm not patronizing her.
She knows that I came of age
in the era of AIDS...
and even though I'm bisexual
I've been incredibly careful, okay?
- Tested negative three times
in the last seven months.
- Really?
- If I remember correctly.
Yeah, three times.
- What does that mean?
I'm sorry. Uh, maybe we should've
sprung for an updated edition, huh?
Hmm. I mean, uh, the picture's
right here. It was a nice B-and-B.
Yeah, they probably had something
about the uranium contamination
in the new edition. Yeah.
Did it ever occur to you
to call first? Or--
Without spontaneity, the world
of B-and-B's is fairly meaningless.
Oh. Well, then, I hope you have
a tent because that's the only way
that you can be spontaneous...
in the middle of the desert
at this hour.
Maybe Mel's parents
can suggest a place.
Oh, right, I'm just going to,
uh, show up with 50 people.
''Hi. I haven't seen you for
about 30 years. This is my posse.
And, by the way, Nancy invited along
these two gay guys just for fun...
and, you know, we're gonna
be here for a while.''
Wh-Wh-What does gay guys
have to do with anything?
Nothing. It has nothing
to do with anything, okay?
I didn't mean to be insulting.
Then why'd you say it, neurotic guy?
- Th-That's my designation?
I'm ''neurotic guy''?
- Mm-hmm.
- Uh-huh, uh-huh.
- Yeah.
- I don't think you know me well
enough to call me ''neurotic guy.''
Oh, really?
''Gay guy'' isn't intimate?
- Look, do you wanna file
an anti-defamation suit...
- There's no intimacy happening here.
or do you want to get to the
''Schwingkings''' before midnight? Okay?
Is this another surprise visit,
or did you call first this time?
- You know, I spoke with them
already. I told you that, Nancy.
- What? What?
- What?
- What, do you want to get intimate?
Is that what you're saying?
- Hey, the baby's going to sleep.
- Huh? No?
- You hear that?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Lend me your comb
It's time to go home
Gotta confess
My hair is a mess
Your mama will scold you
Your daddy will shout
As we come in
The way we went out