are gonna escort us
into El Rey, and--
- Where's the woman?
- What?
What do you mean, what? The woman--
th-the host-- the fucking hostage.
Richard, where is she?
- She's in there.
- What the fuck is she doing in there?
Now, Seth, wait a minute. Seth.
Richard, what's wrong with you?
Before you flip out, okay,
let me just explain what happened.
Yeah, ex-explain to me.
l need an explanation.
What is the matter with you?
There's nothing wrong with me, brother.
That woman tried to escape, and l did
what l had to do.
No, that woman wouldn't have said shit
if she had a mouth full of it.
- Wrong, wrong, wrong.
- Yeah.
- After you left, she became
a completely different person.
- Yeah.
ls it me? My fault?
- lt's not your fault.
- ls this my fault?
- No, it's her fault.
lt's not your fault.
- ls this my fault?
Do you think that this is what l am?
- l don't--
- This is not me.
l am a professional fucking thief.
l don't kill people that l don't have
to, and l don't fucking rape women.
What you are doing--
What you are fucking doing--
What you are doing is not how it's done.
Do you understand that?
Do you? Just say fucking ""yes.""
Say, ""Yes, Seth, l understand.""
- Yes, Seth, l understand.
- Say, ""Yes, Seth,
l fucking understand.""
l understand, Seth.
l fucking understand.
We'll get to Mexico,
and it's gonna be sweet rosemary...
and 100 proof liquor...
and rice and beans,
and none of this shit's gonna matter.