ls it me? My fault?
- lt's not your fault.
- ls this my fault?
- No, it's her fault.
lt's not your fault.
- ls this my fault?
Do you think that this is what l am?
- l don't--
- This is not me.
l am a professional fucking thief.
l don't kill people that l don't have
to, and l don't fucking rape women.
What you are doing--
What you are fucking doing--
What you are doing is not how it's done.
Do you understand that?
Do you? Just say fucking ""yes.""
Say, ""Yes, Seth, l understand.""
- Yes, Seth, l understand.
- Say, ""Yes, Seth,
l fucking understand.""
l understand, Seth.
l fucking understand.
We'll get to Mexico,
and it's gonna be sweet rosemary...
and 100 proof liquor...
and rice and beans,
and none of this shit's gonna matter.
l can't believe he's stopping here.
This place is totally cruddy.
Dad, why are we stoppin' here?
There's nothing wrong with this place.
lt's a flophouse.
lt's not a flophouse.
lt's basic and simple.
That doesn't make it a flophouse.
All right. Well, if it doesn't have
a pool, then we're going someplace else.
lt has a bed.
That's all l care about.
Well, other places have beds too...
and they also have a gym, tennis--
Jeez, what is this guy's problem?
No idea.