Funny Face

An invitation to Flostre's home
is a great honour,

and as hard to get
as an invitation to...

The White House.
I don't think jokes about Flostre
are funny.

No more jokes. But let's be friendly.
We have to work together.

You don't have to be friendly
to work together. Acquainted will do.

Am I supposed to
go over to Duval's now?

I said you'd be there at 10:30am.
- I'll be there.
- Promise?

I said I'd be there, and I will.
- Alright.
- This is where I get off.

Wait a minute. Don't go away mad.
Can't we walk and get friendly,
or better acquainted, or something?

No, thanks. I've got to go to bed.
I don't want you spending
your life retouching my pictures.

You are mad, aren't you?
No, I'm not mad, I...
I'm hurt, and disappointed, and...
..and mad.
