My name is Mike
Representing New York
I'm not a Muslim
Still don't eat pork
Roll call
Don't call me Evan
'Cause I'm on the move
Don't call me Junior
But you can call me Smooth
My name is Evan
Evan Senior
They got my son
On a misdemeanor
My name is Gary
I'm down with Shelly
She's got the butter
I got the jelly
My name is X
And I'm a Bruin
And blah, blah, blah
My name's Jamal
My mind is free
We need more love
And unity
My name is Pop
We're at the top
Now all this shabuya
Has got to stop
Mike, how come you're going
to the march?
I'm thinking this
could be Black Monday.
What do you mean?
This could be a setup.
This could be a conspiracy.
We could be on our way to getting
done, like the trains into Dachau.