My name is Gary
I'm down with Shelly
She's got the butter
I got the jelly
My name is X
And I'm a Bruin
And blah, blah, blah
My name's Jamal
My mind is free
We need more love
And unity
My name is Pop
We're at the top
Now all this shabuya
Has got to stop
Mike, how come you're going
to the march?
I'm thinking this
could be Black Monday.
What do you mean?
This could be a setup.
This could be a conspiracy.
We could be on our way to getting
done, like the trains into Dachau.
- You saying it's a plot?
- It could be, man.
Think of all the planes and cars
filled with black men going to DC.
Thousands, right? Thousands.
If I'm a crazy white man
in the government...
...and want to kill a million black
men, just hit one button, and boom?
When and where would I do it?
At the Million Man March.
The next day, when we're all dead,
who'll fight our battle?
Nothing but black women left.
Some "holocalyptical" shit going on.
That's what I'm saying.
- Jay, you going for the same reason?
- No, I'm going to the march for myself.
It's time for us to be responsible,
get out of the beggar mentality...
...to say, "Look out for a brother."
We need to start looking out
for ourselves.
This is a strong black businessman.
- You have a business?
- Yes, I have my own business.
Ask him what.
I've been in business 7 years.
- What kind of business?
- I have a black bubblegum company.
- What's it called?
- Yo Bubba.
How's business?