Makes you think.
Makes you think aboutthe people in your life.
I think of Neil and if he were sittin'here right now, what he'd say to me.
He'd say,"John, what's it about?
What's life about...
ifyou don't go through itas a man's man."
He'd say, "Suck it up.Take the fall. Do the time.
That's what made you who you are.That makes you what you are."
How long we been around this thingofours, this Cosa Nostra?
1 20 years.And what's it about?
It's about the rules, parameters.
You take the beatin' for the friend.You don't run, you don't lay down.
You don't betray who you are,what you are.
- Self-esteem,John.- Self-esteem. It's basic.
You pick it up on the street.You gotta remember Angie here.
I loved this guy.I loved him.
He was stupid.He never listened to me.
He always wantedthe goddamn dope money.
He never rolled.You know that?
He never rolled.
My brother Gene,Joey D'Mig,they don't roll.
They're doin' a thousand years.They don't roll. They don't rat.
Why? That's the rule.You don't break. You don't rat.
Basic rules.Gives you a little power, right?
Not the kinda power these Feds have.
God forbid we pull their chainin public, right?
Fuckin' dress better than them, theytake it personal, like it's a vendetta.
They're supposed to act betterthan the rest of us.
Theyjust want me to be somethin'I wasn't even born to be.
Humble.They want you to be humble.
So you humble me.What you got now?
You got a war?
You got a global war?
You got the Chinks, Dominicans,Asians, Russians, Columbians,Jamaicans.
What are they doin'?They desecrate the nation.
You got your veritable fuckin'snowstorms ofcocaine and smack...