Grace of My Heart

- # There's a local game
where they #
- ## [Humming Melody]

# Mention my shame...
Whisper my shame #

# They say he gave her
his child #

- # He wouldn't give her
his name #
- Ho-ho, Denise!

- # How can I tell her
How can I express #
- # Ooh #

- # How it felt #
- # Felt #

- # When he came to my room #
- # Room #

# And helped me
to undress #

- # Ooh #
- # What can she tell me
How can I believe #

- # That she really #
- # Really #

- # Didn't hear me cry #
- # Cry #

# When he wouldn't leave #
- ## [Continues]
- The record company's under pressure...

from the churches
to pull the record.

That's great.
Controversy's good for business.

- Controversy is good?
You're out of your mind, Caszatt.
- It is.

These Bible thumpers are
putting pressure on the radio station.

If the record company pulls it,
that's it, no business. Get it?

Write a sympathetic song about
two kids who aren't married
and about to have a baby...

Between the two of you's, you kids
have no idea how the world works.

Maybe your friend
John Murray can help.

You're no stranger
to controversy.

I've been writing controversial songs
for the last five years.

Record companies wouldn't take a risk
on me, but, uh, that's me.

You know,
risk and controversy.

Denise, are you
also an advocate?

Yeah, we're
both advocates.

Um... hell, [Chuckling]
I just write pop songs.

Sure, but you realize,
of course, that no one else...

is writing pop songs
about unwed pregnancy, just you.

I was wondering, is it because of your
working class background...

that you feel free to examine these
very real, honest themes in your music?

Um... I can assure you my background
doesn't have anything to do with it.

I'm curious. You had a big hit last year
with "In Another World"...

that you wrote by yourself.
I was curious why you
decided to collaborate.

We met and hit it off,
decided to work together.
