You're no stranger
to controversy.
I've been writing controversial songs
for the last five years.
Record companies wouldn't take a risk
on me, but, uh, that's me.
You know,
risk and controversy.
Denise, are you
also an advocate?
Yeah, we're
both advocates.
Um... hell, [Chuckling]
I just write pop songs.
Sure, but you realize,
of course, that no one else...
is writing pop songs
about unwed pregnancy, just you.
I was wondering, is it because of your
working class background...
that you feel free to examine these
very real, honest themes in your music?
Um... I can assure you my background
doesn't have anything to do with it.
I'm curious. You had a big hit last year
with "In Another World"...
that you wrote by yourself.
I was curious why you
decided to collaborate.
We met and hit it off,
decided to work together.
Well, I guess what he's
saying is basically true.
- Joel actually...
- Joel Millner introduced
us at Fernando's Blue Room up in Harlem.
He's the man
that we blame.
Is it a marriage
made in heaven?
No! We're not... married.
We're partners. We're not married.
I'm here right now with Denise Waverly
and Howard Caszatt...
who have written a very controversial
new song by the Luminaries.
- "Unwanted Number."
- "Unwanted Number."
- Available now.
- Thank you, Howard.
Voss-Beat Records. We certainly
are going to keep playing it here.
- Thank you, John.
- ## ["Unwanted Number"]
- Wasn't l... I thought I was terrible.
- You were wonderful.
You were great, honey.
You were terrific.
I thought you were very
honest and straightforward
with everything you said.
- Oh, thank you. You helped.
- ## [Song Continues]
- Can we take these off?
- No, take 'em with you.
[All Laughing]
- [John] Because I'm not gonna do it.
- Hi.
- Okay?
- Could I just give this to, uh...