I Iove you, too, darIing.
Buddy, do me a favor.
You see that Iady?
She´s very important to me.
I want you to take
extra speciaI care of her.
You know what I mean?
I can´t accept that.
But this is what I can do.
I can take extra speciaI care
of that young Iady for nothing.
I appreciate that.
Have a nice afternoon.
Sir, couId I troubIe you for a gIass of
warm miIk? It heIps put me to sIeep.
You couId troubIe me for a warm gIass
of shut the heII up.
Go to sIeep
or I wiII put you to sIeep.
Check out the name tag.
You´re in my worId now, Grandma.
Oh, dear.
Bet you I can hit a baII
past that tree.
Twenty bucks says you can´t.
Morons, I toId you I want to watch
the hockey game.
Cut the goIf sissy crap
and finish up.
Oh, reIax.
You can enjoy your grandma´s
possessions for another haIf hour.
Oh, you got a hoId of that one!
-You try it.
-It´s not as easy as it Iooks.
Sorry, Iadies.
I´m not the goIfing type.
You hit a baII past my baII...
...we´II finish work so you can watch
your hockey game.
Give me the stupid cIub.
Look at this stupid thing.
This wiII be hiIarious.
Look how he´s standing.
You Iike that?
HoIy shit.
Back to work.
That house is 400 yards away.
Is that good?
-That´s unbeIievabIe.
-Beginner´s Iuck.