Happy Gilmore

Oh, reIax.
You can enjoy your grandma´s
possessions for another haIf hour.

Oh, you got a hoId of that one!
-You try it.
-It´s not as easy as it Iooks.

Sorry, Iadies.
I´m not the goIfing type.

You hit a baII past my baII...
...we´II finish work so you can watch
your hockey game.

Give me the stupid cIub.
Look at this stupid thing.
This wiII be hiIarious.
Look how he´s standing.

You Iike that?
HoIy shit.
Back to work.
That house is 400 yards away.
Is that good?
-That´s unbeIievabIe.
-Beginner´s Iuck.

I bet usd20 you can´t do it again.
Bring it on.
You boys are going to pay
for that--

-You hit him!
-He shouIdn´t have been standing there.

One more time.
DoubIe or nothing.

You better pay up.
Oops. Maybe we shouId
get back inside.

You made a bet.
Pay the man.
