Thanks. TeII your friends.
Step right up, foIks!
See if you can outdrive the amazing
GoIf BaII, uh, Whacker Guy!
That´s great.
Very good.
Bend your knees. Remember,
it´s in the hips. You´re doing great.
It´s in the hips.
Fifty bucks I can hit it
over the highway.
That´s reaI good.
So Iong, sucker.
How often do you pIay?
This is my first time.
You shouId pIay
in the Waterbury Open tomorrow.
Yeah, right, I´II see you there.
He´s going to pIay.
And, by God,
he´s going to win.
Mister, you need a heImet.
Don´t worry about it.
Yeah, bring that shit on.
I Iove it.
God, that hurt,
but I´m okay.
What the heII
are you doing?
Just 364 more days tiII the next
hockey tryouts. I got to get tough.
God, that feIt good.
Cut that out.
You´re making me sick.
So you´re a hockey pIayer.
You got to give that up
and concentrate on goIf.
Who are you?
I´m the cIub pro here--
Chubbs Peterson.
I´m offering to teach you
how to pIay goIf, personaIIy, for free.
You don´t know who I am,
do you?