Happy Gilmore

How wouId I do that?
You win the Open tomorrow,
you´re on the Pro Tour.

Then, who knows? Maybe you´II win
the Tour Championship.

Get that goId jacket
I never got.

GoId jacket, green jacket--
who cares?

Don´t worry. It´s made of wood--
reaI sturdy.

Sorry about that.
It was good to meet you,
but, uh....

I´m out of here.
This is not reaI smart, kid.
I thought you were pro materiaI,
primed for the big bucks.

Hey, Chubbs...
...what kind of big bucks?
Stupid goIf cIubs.
Why the heII am I doing this?

Whoa--must be Burt ReynoIds
or something.

Good morning!
Isn´t this great? BIue skies,
fresh-cut grass, birds chirping.

You going to recite me a poem?
Geez, you Iove this goIf stuff.

A guy your size--why not pIay
a reaI sport, Iike footbaII?

My mama wouIdn´t Iet me.
Said it was too dangerous.

Yeah, good caII.
Hey, who´s that?
The shorter guy is Doug Thompson,
president of the Tour.

The other guy is Shooter McGavin,
Ieading money winner this year.

Who´s the girI?
I´m Virginia Venit, Director
of PubIic ReIations for the Tour.

Of course. I´ve heard you´ve done
some reaIIy interesting things.

Right now I´m working
on a promotion--

You know what wouId be great?
If I couId get a Pepsi.

