Whoa--must be Burt ReynoIds
or something.
Good morning!
Isn´t this great? BIue skies,
fresh-cut grass, birds chirping.
You going to recite me a poem?
Geez, you Iove this goIf stuff.
A guy your size--why not pIay
a reaI sport, Iike footbaII?
My mama wouIdn´t Iet me.
Said it was too dangerous.
Yeah, good caII.
Hey, who´s that?
The shorter guy is Doug Thompson,
president of the Tour.
The other guy is Shooter McGavin,
Ieading money winner this year.
Who´s the girI?
I´m Virginia Venit, Director
of PubIic ReIations for the Tour.
Of course. I´ve heard you´ve done
some reaIIy interesting things.
Right now I´m working
on a promotion--
You know what wouId be great?
If I couId get a Pepsi.
Oh, miss?
Hey, thanks for dressing up.
If I wore cIothes Iike those,
I´d have to kick my own ass.
Good morning, everyone.
WeIcome to the Waterbury Open.
Before we begin, I have a treat for you.
Ladies and gentIemen,
Shooter McGavin.
Thank you, Doug.
I saw Doug pIay yesterday.
He spends more time in the sand
than David HasseIhoff.
Let me get serious.
You´re aII aware...
...today´s winner wiII be invited
to join the Pro Tour.
AIthough onIy one wiII become
my coIIeague...
...aII of you are now my friends.
Thank you.
Now go get ´em!
Next up: Lafferty, DanieI
and GiImore...Happy.