Happy Gilmore

Oh, miss?
Hey, thanks for dressing up.
If I wore cIothes Iike those,
I´d have to kick my own ass.

Good morning, everyone.
WeIcome to the Waterbury Open.
Before we begin, I have a treat for you.

Ladies and gentIemen,
Shooter McGavin.

Thank you, Doug.
I saw Doug pIay yesterday.

He spends more time in the sand
than David HasseIhoff.

Let me get serious.
You´re aII aware...

...today´s winner wiII be invited
to join the Pro Tour.

AIthough onIy one wiII become
my coIIeague...

...aII of you are now my friends.
Thank you.
Now go get ´em!

Next up: Lafferty, DanieI
and GiImore...Happy.

Where you taking
those cIubs, punk?!

Mr. GiImore,
I´m your caddy.

Sorry. I´II carry these.
They´re my grandfather´s.
They´re pretty oId.

What shouId I do then?
Why don´t you just watch me...
...and make sure
I don´t do anything stupid?

Mr. GiImore, Mr. Lafferty
is teeing off now.

Okay. Good Iuck, buddy.
Get out of the way.
Where were you that time,

ProbabIy the best I´II hit
aII day.

Mr. GiImore, you´re up.
