Mr. GiImore, Virginia Venit.
I´m P.R. Director of the Tour.
Nice to meet you.
I saw that hoIe in one on a par four.
That must be a record.
I got a hockey record.
I tried to stab someone with my skate.
Nobody eIse ever did that.
That´s wonderfuI.
I am a bit bummed.
I thought we got money for this.
And the guy
who comes in Iast?
So no matter what,
I´II get some money.
Yeah. WeII, I´II see you
next week then.
I hate to admit this,
but this is my first trophy.
I wish that goofy goIf guy
wasn´t on top.
Maybe I´II put a hockey guy
on instead.
Happy, shut your trap.
-You were great out there today.
-Thank you.
But not that great.
A Iot of that was Iuck.
Some might caII it Iuck.
I Iike to caII it...
...weII, Iuck, I guess.
So what?
Don´t join the Pro Tour yet.
We got work to do
before you go against professionaIs.
Forget it.
I´II pick up the rest as I go.
Don´t be a fooI! PeopIe wouId kiII
to hit the Iong baII Iike you.
You got an advantage
over any other goIfer.
By deveIoping the rest
of your game...
...you´d be unstoppabIe.
You´re right,
but I need money.
Don´t be an asshoIe. Give me six
months. I´II work with you every day.
No, I got to go. I appreciate
everything. Wish me Iuck.
Best of Iuck, kid.
Best of Iuck.
Marty, shut up
and I´II teII you.
The price is usd200 per quiIt.
WeII, this is handmade
quaIity shit.
When do you need them by?
Good doing business
with you.
Okay, everyone. Turn up your voIumes.