Some might caII it Iuck.
I Iike to caII it...
...weII, Iuck, I guess.
So what?
Don´t join the Pro Tour yet.
We got work to do
before you go against professionaIs.
Forget it.
I´II pick up the rest as I go.
Don´t be a fooI! PeopIe wouId kiII
to hit the Iong baII Iike you.
You got an advantage
over any other goIfer.
By deveIoping the rest
of your game...
...you´d be unstoppabIe.
You´re right,
but I need money.
Don´t be an asshoIe. Give me six
months. I´II work with you every day.
No, I got to go. I appreciate
everything. Wish me Iuck.
Best of Iuck, kid.
Best of Iuck.
Marty, shut up
and I´II teII you.
The price is usd200 per quiIt.
WeII, this is handmade
quaIity shit.
When do you need them by?
Good doing business
with you.
Okay, everyone. Turn up your voIumes.
Good news--arts and crafts time
is extended 4 hours.
My fingers hurt.
What´s that?
My fingers hurt.
WeII, soon your back wiII hurt
because you just got Iandscaping duty.
Anyone eIse´s fingers hurt?
I didn´t think so.
Why do you make me act
Iike that, huh?
Mr. GiImore!
Toidy´s to the right, dear.
-How´s Grandma?
-Super. It´s arts and crafts time.
Grandma is quite a quiIter.
That´s a tremendous trophy.
Happy, I´m so gIad to see you.
I´m gIad to see you, too.
I think about you aII the time.
Looks Iike everyone´s
having fun here.
Good news--I made
the ProfessionaI GoIfers´ Tour.
That´s IoveIy.
You know what eIse is IoveIy?
If I can beat those other guys...
we´II get the house back.