AImost nine o´cIock.
PubIic reIations Iady,
you seen Shooter McGavin?
-No. Why?
-I need to beat the piss out of him.
Let me guess--the ninth green
at nine trick.
It wouId appear so.
He does deserve a beating.
But if you beat him up,
I´II have to expIain to the papers...
...why the new guy beat up
Shooter McGavin. More work for me.
I don´t want to do that.
Forget about Shooter.
He´s just threatened by you.
He´s afraid you´II steaI
his thunder.
That´s nice of you to say.
So, I´m going to go change now.
My girIfriend´s dead. She feII off
a cIiff and died on impact.
I´m sorry to hear that.
You shouId get some sIeep.
Tomorrow´s a big day.
You´re right. It is.
HeIIo. I´m Verne Lundquist,
with Jack Beard.
We have a nice crowd here
on this sun-sationaI ApriI morning...
...for the 22nd annuaI
AT&T InvitationaI.
Here today are eIite goIfers
from around the worId.
The favorite is Shooter McGavin.
He´s won three of the Iast four.
Thanks, man.
Here´s my Iast buck.
This is the Iast time.
He´s just trying to make some money.
Leave him aIone.