Happy Gilmore

So, I´m going to go change now.
My girIfriend´s dead. She feII off
a cIiff and died on impact.

I´m sorry to hear that.

You shouId get some sIeep.
Tomorrow´s a big day.

You´re right. It is.
HeIIo. I´m Verne Lundquist,
with Jack Beard.

We have a nice crowd here
on this sun-sationaI ApriI morning...

...for the 22nd annuaI
AT&T InvitationaI.

Here today are eIite goIfers
from around the worId.

The favorite is Shooter McGavin.
He´s won three of the Iast four.

Thanks, man.
Here´s my Iast buck.
This is the Iast time.
He´s just trying to make some money.
Leave him aIone.

I don´t know why I´m winning.
I´m in the zone.
The hoIe seems to get bigger.

You Iike being the favorite?
I´m not. With the great pIayers here,
anyone couId win.

I´II just do my best.
The reaI favorite is PortIand. Every
time I visit, it´s harder to Ieave.

Must be something in the water.
WeII, time to pIay goIf.

Good Iuck.
I´m a hockey pIayer
pIaying goIf today.

Happy GiImore.
The guy with the Iong drive.
-Caddy´s name?
-You haven´t given me one yet.

On the Pro Tour,
you provide your own.

Easy with those cIubs.
They´re antiques.

Gary Potter. Great to have you
on the Tour.

I feeI a Iot of soIid energy coming
out of you. Good positive aura.

Nice to meet you.
Is it aIways Iike this--TV cameras,
peopIe and stuff?
