That Happy GiImore is a reaI crack-up.
He´s a hoot!
He´s bringing in
some big crowds.
Today, one of his fans mooned me.
He had ""HAPPY"" written on his ass.
""HA"" was on one cheek
and ""PPY"" on the other.
I Iove what he´s doing for goIf.
-WeII, I´m starting to come around.
-Everyone is.
WeII, I´m not, Doug!!
This man is destroying goIf.
I saw two fat bikers in the woods
off 17 having sex.
How can I chip
with that going on?
-Kick him off the Tour.
-He hasn´t broken any ruIes.
He´s a disgrace to the game!
Yes, but our ratings are up.
We´re attracting new, youthfuI sponsors.
I´m sorry, Shooter.
There´s nothing I can do.
Then I´II have to take care of this
So we´II get the house back?
As Iong as I don´t pIace Iast
the next two times...
...we´II get the money in time.
That´s wonderfuI, Happy.
I Iove you, Grandma. Bye.
Good-bye, darIing.
We shouId go on that date.
I´ve been pretty good IateIy.
Oh? I hear you broke a rake
and threw it in the woods.
I didn´t break it.
I was testing its durabiIity.
I put it in the woods
because it´s made of wood...
...and he shouId be
with his famiIy.
At Ieast I didn´t punch anyone.