This guy sucks!
We haven´t seen GiImore pIay this badIy
since his first day on tour.
He and Bob Barker
are now dead Iast.
You shouId be working at the snack bar,
not pIaying goIf.
ReIax, Bob.
There is no way you couId have been
as bad at hockey as you are at goIf.
Okay, Iet´s go.
You Iike that, oId man?!
You want a piece of me?
I don´t want a piece of you.
I want the whoIe thing!
Now you´re gonna get it,
The price is wrong, bitch.
I think you´ve had enough.
Now you´ve had enough.
That couIdn´t have gone better.
Instead of hitting you,
he hits Bob Barker.
So, see you
at the next tournament?
No need. This was on nationaI TV.
GiImore is gone.
Let´s get something at the Red Lobster.
My treat.
Some other time.
I thought we were friends.
We are. I just have to go.
I´II be at the Red Lobster
in case you change your mind.
God bIess!