Happy Gilmore

The price is wrong, bitch.
I think you´ve had enough.
Now you´ve had enough.
That couIdn´t have gone better.
Instead of hitting you,
he hits Bob Barker.

So, see you
at the next tournament?

No need. This was on nationaI TV.
GiImore is gone.

Let´s get something at the Red Lobster.
My treat.

Some other time.
I thought we were friends.
We are. I just have to go.
I´II be at the Red Lobster
in case you change your mind.

God bIess!
There you are.
Happy GiImore,
come on down!

Thank you, Shooter.
Sit down.

So you got in a fight with a game show
host on nationaI TV.

That is not entertainment.
This is not hockey,
no matter how much you want it to be.

I know that and I´m sorry.
But there was a guy out there...
...giving me crap. It took aII I had
not to hit him.

So you head-butt Bob Barker?
Who won that fight, anyway?

Enough, Shooter.
The board has done the foIIowing:
Fined you usd25,000
and suspended you for one month.

-What?! I got to pIay!
-What?! Kick him off the Tour.

The board thinks
that might be extreme...

...considering the fact
that our ratings were...

...the highest we´ve ever had.
My grandmother´s house
got repossessed.

If I don´t win more prize money,
they´II seII it to someone eIse.

Get out.
