What are you doing?
Run normal!
This would be the path
where normal people run!
The weird triathlete training complex
is somewhere else! Okay!
Run normal here!
Get off my path!
Get off it!
Oh, pretty fast.
Run around the block?
Don´t you think I could run that fast
if I ran around the fucking block?
Why don´t you try running 15 miles?
See how fast you run that!
Suntan lotion! Got to look good
for the big date tonight!
Get off! I´ll shoot you
in the face if you don´t stop now!
Get off of me, you maniac!
- Got to look sexy for the girl!
- Get out of here!
Got to look good for the big date
tonight, kids! Suntan lotion!
- How are you?
- I´m beautiful, how´re you?
I´d like to buy suntan products.
SP factor?
- Excuse me?
- SP factor?
No, that´s okay.
I´ll just have suntan lotion.
What sun protection factor?
Oh, sun protection factor.
"SP," sun protection.
- What do you suggest?
- For you?
- Thirty.
- Thirty.
Give me a four.
Actually, better yet, give me...
that deep tanning tropical oil.
- That´s only two.
- Excellent.
At least get sunblock for your nose.