If Lucy Fell

and then you just pick
the least disgusting one.

You better pick
one of those least disgusting guys in...

the next 13 days.
You just worry
about closing your own deal.

if we get the school,
which we will...

but not weird boyfriends
and girlfriends, must we jump?

Good night, Joe.
Can I get specifics on Bwick, please?
See you.
No, I told you everything.
That´s not fair, you dog!

You were brilliant tonight.
- I hate you.
- Sweet dreams.

No, wait...
- Was I okay tonight?
- You were the best.

- Really?
- Good night.

- I was? I really?
- Go to sleep.

Come on, was I okay? Really?
I love you. Good night.
See you in the morning.

Good night.
Good night, moon.
- What?
- Good night, moon.

Good night, moonie.
Good night, fish.
Good night, spoon.
Yes, I am Joe. Joe MacGonaughgill.
It´s Jane.
We met last night at your opening.
Hello. Hello.
Hi, Jane.
- How´s it going?
- Great.

What´re you doing?
Just hanging out.
Listen, can I ask you a question?
