Would you like to have dinner?
I´d love to.
Okay, great.
- I´ll just give you a call.
- Why don´t you just do that?
- Bye
- Bye
- I´m dating my new girlfriend.
- Bullshit.
I got a date with her.
You´re a hero. Piss off.
Why can´t you be happy for me?
- Why can´t you be happy?
- Piss off!
- I´ll be down soon.
- Wait.
Bwick Elias, Lucy.
You know, the painter.
He´s nice. We talked.
He wants to call you.
I´d like to call.
he was too overwhelmed...
with sadness by your
untimely departure last night...
and he couldn´t get your number.
Too overwhelmed with sadness
by your untimely departure last night.
But stalking me was apparently
well within your comfort zone.
I made this for you.
You could have it.
Or we could trade.
Little birdie for your number.
Thank you.
5 5 5-6745. Cellular.
Little child speaks
what we dare not say.
I dare for you not to have me call you.
I dare you!
Which one?
I think I like this.
I like this. This is nice.
- It´s pretty.
- I like it on you.