Jerry Maguire

This is a nice moment for you.
I'm gonna let you have it.

Give me a call, Rod.
Say hi to Marcee.

- Thanks for coming.
- I missed you.

What can I say?
You're all I've got.

This is Frank Gifford in Tempe,
Arizona's Sun Devil Stadium.

The Cardinals are still alive
for a play-off spot.

The reason for that is the
outstandlng play of Rod Tidwell.

The Dallas Cowboys are on a roll.
They know they're in the play-offs.

If Arizona wins tonight
and next week, -

- they'll make the play-offs
for the flrst time in 21 years.

You'd better not mess up tonight.
What did I say? He's always
nervous for televised games.

The Cowboys contlnue their mlssion
on Monday Night Football.

Hey, Shannon.
Great column this morning.

What a bruiser.
The Cardinals just refuse to go
quietly into the desert night.

I'm just trying
to be a little poetic.

A tough hit on Tidwell.
