You'd better not mess up tonight.
What did I say? He's always
nervous for televised games.
The Cowboys contlnue their mlssion
on Monday Night Football.
Hey, Shannon.
Great column this morning.
What a bruiser.
The Cardinals just refuse to go
quietly into the desert night.
I'm just trying
to be a little poetic.
A tough hit on Tidwell.
- I'd have made a touchdown.
- That's his sixth catch tonlght.
A first down
at the 19 yard line.
- Another savage hit on Tidwell.
- They're really working Tidwell.
- What does Daddy always say?
- It looks worse than it is.
- He's gonna kill himself.
- Will you be quiet!
Two minutes to play.
Dallas leading by three.
Second down and one,
at the Dallas 11 yard line.
Down he goes for a slx yard loss.
Good move.
Swenson had too many men
in that pattern.
90 razor,
X-out on one, ready?