Look at all
those Russians.
They're like locusts.
Would you believe it?
Lots of Czechs do business with them.
It's certainly cheaper.
Russian diesel,
gasoline, coal.
Collaborating with the occupiers!
Such fine patriots.
[ Chuckling ]
When the Russians invaded...
people shook their fists;
said they wouldn't even give them
stale bread or water.
And look at them now.
A fine nation we are.
Can I give you a lift?
[ Klara ]
Is this your dowry?
I see someone can't
keep his mouth shut.
It's a nice car.
You're better off
in more ways than one.
Look, this marriage--
I'm not interested.
I live alone.
Nothing has changed.
I'm such an idiot.
I nearly got divorced because of you.
let's go to my place.
I'd like to get out.
I'd really rather get out.
[ Sighs Deeply ]
[ Shifts Down,
Brakes ]
I've done all
your washing and ironing.
We're supposed to
decorate the windows.
Put up some flags.