I see someone can't
keep his mouth shut.
It's a nice car.
You're better off
in more ways than one.
Look, this marriage--
I'm not interested.
I live alone.
Nothing has changed.
I'm such an idiot.
I nearly got divorced because of you.
let's go to my place.
I'd like to get out.
I'd really rather get out.
[ Sighs Deeply ]
[ Shifts Down,
Brakes ]
I've done all
your washing and ironing.
We're supposed to
decorate the windows.
Put up some flags.
Christ, another Communist anniversary?
I can't keep up with them.
They're judging
the best-decorated building again.
My windows are too high
for them to see.
Don't you believe it.
They watch us like hawks.
Put up one Russian flag
and one of ours...
so they leave me in peace.
That's 7 0 crowns.
I'll add it to the 200
you already owe me.
You can have it right now.
- Right now?
- Yes.
- I don't have any change.
- Keep it.
Thank you very much.
- Hello.
- How do you do?
Mr. Stoklasa sent me.
He did, did he?
Hold this.