I'd say soon.
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
[ Knocking ]
[ Loud Knocking ]
[ Louka Panting ]
Frantisek Louka?
- You're this boy's father?
- ''Father?''
The lady he was staying with
is downstairs in our ambulance.
She's had a stroke.
She says you'll take over.
But I'm only a distant father.
I mean to say a stepfather.
That's your problem.
Sort it out yourselves.
She sent him here
while she's in the hospital.
[ Thunder Rumbling,
Rain Pattering ]
[ Boy Sniffling ]
[ Sighs Deeply, Exhales ]
- Come on then.
- [ Sniffles ]
Don't just stand there.
Come on in.
Mr. Broz, have you heard?