Oh, so you do know?
Then come fetch him
right now.
This wasn't
part of the deal.
- [ Babies Crying ]
- We can't solve this on the telephone.
Drop by tomorrow.
I can't hear you.
- One night won't kill you.
-[ Crying Continues ]
Give him a bath
and put him to bed.
Screw this.
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
You have some slippers?
Something to wear indoors?
A fine conversation
this is going to be!
This is all I needed.
Here they are.
Take your shoes off, see,
and put your slippers on.
- [ Sniffling ]
- Look, stop snivelling.
I'm not thrilled myself.
Stick it out
for one night here...
and then it's off
to the gravedigger's.
He got us into this
and he'll damn well get us out.
There you go.
Look what we have here.
Some crayons and paper.
You can draw.
Why don't you sit down
and draw something?
Draw. Come on, draw!
So, stare out the window.
What do I care?