Ah, well. Pub's open.
Finish up as you like.
I'll clean it off later.
Well, yes. Thank you very much.
She's lonely, too.
The winds whistle down the glens
at 150 miles an hour.
My Uncle Donald,
he had one ear bigger than the other,
and when the winds blew, it would
corkscrew him down into the ground.
- Your good health, son.
- Good health.
Stuart, same?
Hello there, Adrian.
What can I get you?
Nothing, thank you very much.
I'm all right.
Could I just say that you are looking
particularly lovely this evening?
Thank you.
- Will you marry me?
- Oh, no!
Not tonight.
Besides, I make it a rule never to
marry anyone who asks me in a bar.
Very wise.
Well, perhaps you wouldn't mind
passing these on to Dr Dempsey
to take back to America.
The hotel had a few
of Dr Abernathy's...
Of course. But if you want him,
he's in the kitchen.
No, thanks. I've had enough of
the great and world-famous Dr Dinky.
I have everything you wanted.
Photos, printouts, sonar readings.
Yes. I realise that.
I win.
I will see you
in Los Angeles tomorrow.
How do you do that?
You realise that is twelve in a row?